Barn & Safety
Must Follow:
When Riding you must always:
Be supervised
Wear a properly fitting certified riding helmet, long pants, and shoes with hard soles and a one-inch heel. No sneakers or hiking boots
Walk (no trotting, etc.) around the barn area and to an from the ring whether on foot or mounted on your horse.
When around the horses you must: ​
NEVER enter a horse's stall without permission-even if he/she is your own horse
NEVER enter the standing stalls where horses are tied without permission
NEVER enter the standing stall area alone. You must always be accompanied by another when working with the horse in the standing stall
NEVER walk behind a horse
Wear shoes that protect your feet. No open toe or open heel shoes
Handle, feed (including treats), or pet horses only under supervision by the instructor
NEVER enter a pasture containing horses
avoid carrying loose items that may fall or blow away or flap in the wind or bounce or make sharp or loud noises
Use hand sanitizer or wash your hands with soap after handling horses and pets
When around the barn, you must always:
Be kind to ALL
Look both ways before crossing through any doorway
Return all barn items to proper place before leaving
Be helpful and respectful to everyone on the property (instructors, adults, and other children)
Use your manners
When at Linde Hill Stables Remember:
Always look both ways before crossing through any doorway
NEVER run or yell
Parents, sitters, or family members must keep siblings in their care while watching lessons
Leave bicycles, scooters, noisy toys, and pets at home
Smoking and open flames are prohibited anywhere on the farm-PERIOD